Creating Your Own Commands

It is possible to create your own Vedis commands and execute them like any other. Use the Vedis.register() method to decorate the function you wish to turn into a Vedis command. Your command callback must accept at least one argument, the VedisContext (which wraps vedis context). Any arguments supplied by the caller will also be passed to your callback. Using the VedisContext object, your function can perform key/value operations on the database.

Here is a small example:

db = Vedis()

def concat(context, glue, *params):
    return glue.join(params)

def title(context, *params):
    return [param.title() for param in params]

def hash_values(context, *values):
    # Calculate a hash for each value and store it in a
    # key.
    for value in values:
        context[value] = hashlib.sha1(value).hexdigest()
    return len(values)


>>> print db.execute('CONCAT | foo bar baz')

>>> print db.execute('TITLE "testing" "this is a test" "another"')
['Testing', 'This Is A Test', 'Another']

>>> print db.execute('HASH_VALUES shh secret')
>>> db.mget(['shh', 'secret'])

You can also directly call the function with your arguments, and the call will automatically be routed through Vedis:

>>> print title('testing', 'this is a test', 'another')
['Testing', 'This Is A Test', 'Another']

>>> print concat('#', 'foo', '1', 'hello')

Valid return types for user-defined commands

  • list or tuple (containing arbitrary levels of nesting).

  • str

  • int and long

  • float

  • bool

  • None

Operations supported by VedisContext

The first parameter of your custom command is always a VedisContext instance. This object can be used to access the key/value features of the database. It supports the following APIs:

  • Getting, setting and deleting items using dict APIs.

  • Checking whether a key exists using in.

  • Appending to an existing key.


def store_data(context):
    context['foo'] = 'bar'
    assert context['foo'] == 'bar'
    del context['other key']
    assert 'foo' in context
    context.append('foo', 'more data')